
I'm staying at home today....because i have a cold.
I went out whole the last weekend. that can be the reason i get sick.
on 26th(Saturday), i went to Tokyo Game Show 2009.
It was AMAZING. we played many games that hasn't been sold yet. We were screaming like a little kid trying to make sure it wasn't a dream.

We saw many Otaku people in the game show...and we got the idea that "No good-looking guy can be Otaku". almost everybody was wearing glasses. can u imagine?

it was a very first time for me to go to the game show. I had so much fun, and wish to go there next year again....well maybe with my future boyfriend(he can protect me from Otaku guys :D hehe)

on 27th(Sunday), I went to a baseball game with my friend.
I'm the biggest fun of Yomiuri Giants xDD
(My father got 2 tickets for me!! how nice!!!)
Look at the view.....so beautiful! we were sitting on the highest place of Tokyo Dome. we couldn't see the face of players but instead, we saw the wonderful view of the Dome and could scream a lot careing about nothing.

We won the game at last!!!!!!!!
happy happyyyy. hahaha
i never mind what people think but i do what i want like in this pic, i was standing up and singing the song of Giants with SO loud voice.
well, i would go to bed and sleep for a while.
thanks for reading.
I'll try to write the diary more often to improve my English.
so please teach me when you find any mistakes....i will appriciate it!


Hi there!
long time no see....really!!

the last posting was about me missing Spain so much.
and this posting will be the same, but it's a bit different this time.....because i went to Spain this summer again!!!!!!!yeeeeey!!
I began making plans of the trip on July with my Spanish friend Maria.
She wanted to come to Japan too.
So the plan was....Maria come to Tokyo for 1 week and then we both go to Madrid together and i stay there for 2 weeks.
the plan came true at last....it was so unbelievable.
I had a wonderful time....can't explaing with any words......
I love the country, the people, the language.
Every thing i saw was just amazing for me, i tried to remember EVERYTHING....