
Hi there!
long time no see....really!!

the last posting was about me missing Spain so much.
and this posting will be the same, but it's a bit different this time.....because i went to Spain this summer again!!!!!!!yeeeeey!!
I began making plans of the trip on July with my Spanish friend Maria.
She wanted to come to Japan too.
So the plan was....Maria come to Tokyo for 1 week and then we both go to Madrid together and i stay there for 2 weeks.
the plan came true at last....it was so unbelievable.
I had a wonderful time....can't explaing with any words......
I love the country, the people, the language.
Every thing i saw was just amazing for me, i tried to remember EVERYTHING....


Henry Chourou said...

Good for you! You are such a Spain-lover that you'll be the expert of the country, mastering the language, and get a wonderful job that'll take you there in the future. I wish you have the best of luck!

RIKO said...

Thank you for reading and commenting Chourou!!
you encourage me a lot... :)
i don't know if I'll be able to work there in the future or not...but i wish to get a good job that i can enjoy my life on it.
wish you good luck!