
This is our tree in my house!!
look at that!!
soooooo beautiful.
how nice to have this big tree for own house.
usually Japanese peole don't have own tree.
my father loves Chiristmas.
because Chiristmas IS HIS BIRTHDAY!!
he bought this in U.S.
and bring back to Japan.
nice work Dad!!


I was talking with my German sister Sassi.
she said that she is going to go to Las vegas with James and Wilson tomorrow!!!
i hope her trip will be great.
and i'm wating a mail from Sassi^^
i loooove you.
kissese from Riko.

Today, i took an exam that kind of interview test.
that was the worst exam of my life.....gosh...
i have to study more.

but i'm still trying to keep that i read 1 English book each everyday.
i hope it's going to work someday:-)
hi guys.
this is sleepy Riko.
i have to go to bed now....but i'm trying to write this English blog.

i ate Yakitori today with Madoka(my friend) at near my school.
today was sooooo cold as i have to put my woolen scarf around my neck.
so it was delicious!!!

see you tomorrow


me and my mom are still having a quarrel.
today i didn't want to get home early (because there will be something wrong happen when i and my mom see each other)
so i just studyed at Ito-Yo-Kado for 3 hours!!!
i didn't notice until that time(i finished my homework)
then, my father called me because it was too late.

"Riko, whre are you now?
go back home as soon as possible."

"sorry dad, but i was studing until now...and i..."

"i don't want to listen to your excuse anymore!!come back!!!NOW!!"

ya....i don't know how to explain in English this story...
but i can say that He was very very very angry.
and my mom, also angry at me.

i don't want to be with them in my house :-(
but they are very my parents.
it's a big problem now.


Eventually, i desided to go to Spain(Madrid) this winter for 2 weeks.
i'll stay my friend's(Dacil's) house.
and i'll meet my friends who lives in Madrid.
i'm soooooooooo missing them.
because i haven't meet them for about 3 months.
since i left Chicago.

i know it's gonna be hard trip for me.
because i'm going to go there alone.
i'm just high school student fresh man!!!!!
and i can't speak Spanish. i really can't.
i can say"Hola""Buenos dias""te quiero""Gracias"
ya....that's all i know.
everybody knows these easy words.

i have to learn more Spanish ,or i'll lost my self in Spain.


I was keeping my weight till yesterday.....but today 体重増えてたー!
I was shocked by my weight.

i read 2 books today.
i'll read 3 books tomorrow.......is impossible.jaja
today i woke up 8:00 because i was sooooo hungry.
why? i didn't eat yesterdays dinner "Tenpura"
i'm fighting with my mom.
so i didn't eat that dinner was made by very my mom. :-(

should i say "i was wrong" to my mom?
or, should i keep my opinion?

i always thinking about How can we feel happy all day long.
it's really difficult to find the answer.


wow, I haven't been write this english blog for long time.

this morning,i read diarys that i wrote long time ago.
then i found many mistakes!gosh!!

i should write this everyday....can i ??haha

I'll do my best.

for my English skill^^