
Eventually, i desided to go to Spain(Madrid) this winter for 2 weeks.
i'll stay my friend's(Dacil's) house.
and i'll meet my friends who lives in Madrid.
i'm soooooooooo missing them.
because i haven't meet them for about 3 months.
since i left Chicago.

i know it's gonna be hard trip for me.
because i'm going to go there alone.
i'm just high school student fresh man!!!!!
and i can't speak Spanish. i really can't.
i can say"Hola""Buenos dias""te quiero""Gracias"
ya....that's all i know.
everybody knows these easy words.

i have to learn more Spanish ,or i'll lost my self in Spain.

1 comment:

Little, Richard said...

My name is Richard, and I noticed your comment. Thank you for the comment first and foremost, and also I wanted to know if you received my e-mail. If not, please e-mail me again, and maybe we can get in contact person to person. I am trying to learn Japanese, and speak Spanish. Well, let me know. Ta ta for now.