
me and my mom are still having a quarrel.
today i didn't want to get home early (because there will be something wrong happen when i and my mom see each other)
so i just studyed at Ito-Yo-Kado for 3 hours!!!
i didn't notice until that time(i finished my homework)
then, my father called me because it was too late.

"Riko, whre are you now?
go back home as soon as possible."

"sorry dad, but i was studing until now...and i..."

"i don't want to listen to your excuse anymore!!come back!!!NOW!!"

ya....i don't know how to explain in English this story...
but i can say that He was very very very angry.
and my mom, also angry at me.

i don't want to be with them in my house :-(
but they are very my parents.
it's a big problem now.

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