
I'm sleepy......
well, I have a little something more to do.
If I finish them all, I'm going to have 5 days-off!!!!!!!!!
it is more than I had expected.
In my school,
there is someone who had a illness which can be infected to people easily.
So teachers decided that we have 5 days-off.
well, next time I go to school would be the last day of school days before the winter vacation!
it's wonderful!
Chiristmas is comming!!!!
I can't wait to see my presents under the tree.
I'm still a small child.hahaha

have a nice dream.


Hi. How are youguys all doing these days? How was your summer vacation?
I went to Kagoshima and Fukuoka in Japan. and also I went to Chicago to see my host mother again. It was a really good trip. I was almost crying when I see my host mother and my friends. They are so nice.
I love the view from train in Chicago.It reminds me last summer....I went there with no one..felt lonly in America. I couldn't speak English like now. I guess everyone who was talking to me thought I am a very strange girl. Because I seemed to be not understanding what their saying. Now I understand almost.

It was the second day of school.
I'm so tired....I was waking up so late in a whole summer so now, it is not easy to wake up at 5am. I'll get sick!

Talk to you soon guys!
Thanks for reading.


I am soooooo excited now.
There are two reasons.
One of the reason as you can see these pictuers,I went to Tokyo tower!!!
Do you know what is that??
I can't explain though, It is wonderful place to have fun and see the view from the tall building.
If you've been to Tokyo, you must have seen it once, right?
because this place looks to be more wonderful for foreigners.

Also I went to one of the biggest temple in Tokyo.I forgot the name of this temple....(because it wasn't included our plan).But this place was very beautiful and it was really like Old Japanese.
cherry blossom were so beautiful.
I took many pictuers of them.

and one of the reason why I am so excited now is that today is María's birthday!!!!!that's a very why!!!!
She is wonderful, she is my best friend forever.
I sent her an e-mail.
It says
"¿¿Qué día es hoy??
¡¡¡¡Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi amiga!!!!
¡¡¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños María!!!!jajajaja"
like that.
It might means

.....might be^^;jaja

well, I'm going to talk to her on the messanger :-)
see ya!


Hola, hello,
how are you doing?
I'm doing very busy.
Because I'm going to be second grade of high school student soon.
It is a bit strange feeling.
I love my friends in my class.
So I think I'll miss them a lot....
maybe I could be in a same class with someone.
I really hope so.

I still can't believe that It's been almost 1 year since I entranced into this high school.
It was wonderful days.....


Today was the day off.I was preparing for the exam all day long.
I'm very bad at Maths, so i really need to spend more time for Maths than other subjects.
Tomorrow's exams are World history, English(listning),Old Japanese.
not so bad....hah?
world history is one of my favorite subject!!and also I'm really good at listning(English).
Old Japanese is just boring.....But I studied enough.
I have more 4 hours for study today.
try my best!!!!!!

They are very funny.
Taking pictuer of the train!! train lovers...

Today was the day of the first exam.
Math,PC(about internet or computer),Chemistry
these three subjects are one of the most difficult subjects for me.
but I gess I did pretty well than before.(Last exam was terrible!!haha)

there will be OC,Japanese,health and physical education tomorrow.
I'll do my best^^

i can't wait finishing school....!
the last big exam is coming soon, yep, TOMORROW!!
i'm being crazy now.
i have to remember all the things.it is impossible.

i hope for better day tomorrow and keep on trying and see if i can come out every question seets like Charlie Brown^


Hola!!¿Como estas?

estoy muy muy muuuuy cansada.
because last week, i had to do many indifferent things at my school.
daybefore yesterday, i met an Aussie family in Tokyo.
i was on the SOBU line because there was an accident on Chuo line.i was late.(friends were waiting for me:-(

at Akihabara station, i met them, Aussie family.
the mother asked me how to go to Mitaka station.
incidentally,Mitaka station is next to Kichijoji station which is i wanted to go.
so i taught them how to go also i asked them to go with me.
i had really good time with them while getting there.

with my friends.
this cap was on a sale.of course we didn't buy these.jajaja


(with my friend in Madrid.)

hey guys, what's up?

i didn't have enough time to write this blog since last year.

now, i'm being sooo busy, but i think it's better to try to write English blog for my English skills.

i'm also trying to read a book which i bought in Chicago.

the name of book is "The Seacret Identity Of Davon Delaney"

this is for kind of kids, who is being adult like me, i mean teenager.

i like this book.

totally funny, and impossible happen in Japan.

too much funny things.

Japanese people even don't know it could be happend in America.

Japanese people are too much serious.

i don't like that.