
Hi. How are youguys all doing these days? How was your summer vacation?
I went to Kagoshima and Fukuoka in Japan. and also I went to Chicago to see my host mother again. It was a really good trip. I was almost crying when I see my host mother and my friends. They are so nice.
I love the view from train in Chicago.It reminds me last summer....I went there with no one..felt lonly in America. I couldn't speak English like now. I guess everyone who was talking to me thought I am a very strange girl. Because I seemed to be not understanding what their saying. Now I understand almost.

It was the second day of school.
I'm so tired....I was waking up so late in a whole summer so now, it is not easy to wake up at 5am. I'll get sick!

Talk to you soon guys!
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Riko,

How are you? Thank you so much for viewing my blog! I enjoyed reading your blog as well. Your command of English is very good!
So, you just returned from Chicago? What a nice journey. Chicago is so beautiful, as I am there two - three times a year.

Have a great week ahead.

Best regards,