
I am soooooo excited now.
There are two reasons.
One of the reason as you can see these pictuers,I went to Tokyo tower!!!
Do you know what is that??
I can't explain though, It is wonderful place to have fun and see the view from the tall building.
If you've been to Tokyo, you must have seen it once, right?
because this place looks to be more wonderful for foreigners.

Also I went to one of the biggest temple in Tokyo.I forgot the name of this temple....(because it wasn't included our plan).But this place was very beautiful and it was really like Old Japanese.
cherry blossom were so beautiful.
I took many pictuers of them.

and one of the reason why I am so excited now is that today is María's birthday!!!!!that's a very why!!!!
She is wonderful, she is my best friend forever.
I sent her an e-mail.
It says
"¿¿Qué día es hoy??
¡¡¡¡Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi amiga!!!!
¡¡¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños María!!!!jajajaja"
like that.
It might means

.....might be^^;jaja

well, I'm going to talk to her on the messanger :-)
see ya!


Yunni said...

Hello Riko, I like your blog. It is very cool. My name is Yunie and I'm from Mexico :)

I hope we could be friends ^^.


RIKO said...

just e-mail me, I want to be your friend too^^
my address is


well, it is really good to hear from you.
