
Good evening guys.
It was a wonderful day, and also a very sad day.
I said it was a wonderful day because we had so much FUN whole the day in my class.
Especially the last class, we played bascketball and ドッチボール.And I won both!!woopeee!
then I said it was a very sad day, because Sassi've left Japan this morning. Sassi is my German friend. We met in Chicago in summer 2007. and we hadn't met since Sassi left Chicago and we missed each other sooooo much!
I was sooooo happy to see her in Japan!!
well...it was so sad to say goodbye again.We had so much fun.We talked till very late, and we danced, ate so many kinds of food, visited many famous places in Tokyo.
She promised to come back here.
So I just need to wait untill she comes back, I can study German for her^^
Ich gruesse alle meine freunde in Japan.


Henry Chourou said...

Hello. Actually I was an eye-opener when coming across your blog because your writing in English was pretty good! Now I just leave a comment to encourage you keep blogging and brush up your English skill more and more!

Unknown said...

i love u riko and u need to know how much i miss u...
u are the cutest japanese in the world.i am in basel now and live in ahostel with a japanese girl,i told her about u and that i will hug u again soon....i kiss u my angel