
I'm staying at home today....because i have a cold.
I went out whole the last weekend. that can be the reason i get sick.
on 26th(Saturday), i went to Tokyo Game Show 2009.
It was AMAZING. we played many games that hasn't been sold yet. We were screaming like a little kid trying to make sure it wasn't a dream.

We saw many Otaku people in the game show...and we got the idea that "No good-looking guy can be Otaku". almost everybody was wearing glasses. can u imagine?

it was a very first time for me to go to the game show. I had so much fun, and wish to go there next year again....well maybe with my future boyfriend(he can protect me from Otaku guys :D hehe)

on 27th(Sunday), I went to a baseball game with my friend.
I'm the biggest fun of Yomiuri Giants xDD
(My father got 2 tickets for me!! how nice!!!)
Look at the view.....so beautiful! we were sitting on the highest place of Tokyo Dome. we couldn't see the face of players but instead, we saw the wonderful view of the Dome and could scream a lot careing about nothing.

We won the game at last!!!!!!!!
happy happyyyy. hahaha
i never mind what people think but i do what i want like in this pic, i was standing up and singing the song of Giants with SO loud voice.
well, i would go to bed and sleep for a while.
thanks for reading.
I'll try to write the diary more often to improve my English.
so please teach me when you find any mistakes....i will appriciate it!


Hi there!
long time no see....really!!

the last posting was about me missing Spain so much.
and this posting will be the same, but it's a bit different this time.....because i went to Spain this summer again!!!!!!!yeeeeey!!
I began making plans of the trip on July with my Spanish friend Maria.
She wanted to come to Japan too.
So the plan was....Maria come to Tokyo for 1 week and then we both go to Madrid together and i stay there for 2 weeks.
the plan came true at last....it was so unbelievable.
I had a wonderful time....can't explaing with any words......
I love the country, the people, the language.
Every thing i saw was just amazing for me, i tried to remember EVERYTHING....


I feel the time past so quickly everyday. New classmates, new teacher, new subjects.....those are very exciting things and those things let me forget all about my dream of going to Madrid again. But I sometimes remember, how beautifl and how curious it was. How nice and cheerful Spanish people were. Most of the moments in Madrid, I was laughing out loud feeling happily ever. Now, look at those Japanese people on the train every morning on my way to go to the school. They look tired and unpleasant. Of course there is no smile on their face. They fall asleep. some of them are reading newspaper, but some of them are reading a stupid manga. I could see that they are not happy at all.
I miss Spain!!!!
and I miss all my friends in other countries!
I'll visit them one by one and give them lots of hugs someday!!!

instead, I have to study hard now.

well, I should start doing my English homework also. it should be finished untill tomorrow.

hope you all are fine.




My school has started yesterday, I'm a 3rd grader now. it's hard to believe...!
and tomorrow, freshmans will come to our highschool.
My new classmates are really nice and they are so funny. My new teacher is young and I think he is the best teacher for me. Because he is an English teacher. I like him.
I was sooooo worrying about my new class but now I feel much better to see my fab new classmates and teacher. I could sleep well last night!yey!
There is an exam coming soon 3days later.
I haven't paid much attencion to the exam since I was worrying about my new class too much, and now I noticed that I haven't studied at all!!!!OMG!


Good evening guys.
It was a wonderful day, and also a very sad day.
I said it was a wonderful day because we had so much FUN whole the day in my class.
Especially the last class, we played bascketball and ドッチボール.And I won both!!woopeee!
then I said it was a very sad day, because Sassi've left Japan this morning. Sassi is my German friend. We met in Chicago in summer 2007. and we hadn't met since Sassi left Chicago and we missed each other sooooo much!
I was sooooo happy to see her in Japan!!
well...it was so sad to say goodbye again.We had so much fun.We talked till very late, and we danced, ate so many kinds of food, visited many famous places in Tokyo.
She promised to come back here.
So I just need to wait untill she comes back, I can study German for her^^
Ich gruesse alle meine freunde in Japan.


tengo only tinco minutos!!!
its 23:25.
I wanted to be in bed untill 23:00. But it past 25 minutes alreay.
I need to sleep, all day looong.
it seems I'm having a little cold.
So I must take rest, need sleep.
I can't write good English, it maybe because I am too sleepy...?

well, see you soon!bye.


Hello everybody!
it's Riko.
I was サボり気味だった for a long time...
but it was a very unforgettable day today so I wanted to write down what I thought.
In fact, my friend's mom is in hospital right now.
and she is unconsious.
Although she(my friend) was in this terrible situation and hadn't sleep last night, she came to school and was at class untill the lunch.(and she went to hospital)
I respect her so much.
and I feel really sorry.
I don't know what to do for her.
friends around me was saying "it's ok!!""don't worry!""Be storong!""trust your mother!" those kinds of things.But I couldn't say anything. I was afraid to say something that may going to be lie.
I feel so weak!!!
I want to be more storong to support her and her mother!!!! I just hope her mother to be ok.and I trust her.That's the only thing I can do for my friend.
see you later!


I'm sleepy......
well, I have a little something more to do.
If I finish them all, I'm going to have 5 days-off!!!!!!!!!
it is more than I had expected.
In my school,
there is someone who had a illness which can be infected to people easily.
So teachers decided that we have 5 days-off.
well, next time I go to school would be the last day of school days before the winter vacation!
it's wonderful!
Chiristmas is comming!!!!
I can't wait to see my presents under the tree.
I'm still a small child.hahaha

have a nice dream.


Hi. How are youguys all doing these days? How was your summer vacation?
I went to Kagoshima and Fukuoka in Japan. and also I went to Chicago to see my host mother again. It was a really good trip. I was almost crying when I see my host mother and my friends. They are so nice.
I love the view from train in Chicago.It reminds me last summer....I went there with no one..felt lonly in America. I couldn't speak English like now. I guess everyone who was talking to me thought I am a very strange girl. Because I seemed to be not understanding what their saying. Now I understand almost.

It was the second day of school.
I'm so tired....I was waking up so late in a whole summer so now, it is not easy to wake up at 5am. I'll get sick!

Talk to you soon guys!
Thanks for reading.


I am soooooo excited now.
There are two reasons.
One of the reason as you can see these pictuers,I went to Tokyo tower!!!
Do you know what is that??
I can't explain though, It is wonderful place to have fun and see the view from the tall building.
If you've been to Tokyo, you must have seen it once, right?
because this place looks to be more wonderful for foreigners.

Also I went to one of the biggest temple in Tokyo.I forgot the name of this temple....(because it wasn't included our plan).But this place was very beautiful and it was really like Old Japanese.
cherry blossom were so beautiful.
I took many pictuers of them.

and one of the reason why I am so excited now is that today is María's birthday!!!!!that's a very why!!!!
She is wonderful, she is my best friend forever.
I sent her an e-mail.
It says
"¿¿Qué día es hoy??
¡¡¡¡Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi amiga!!!!
¡¡¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños María!!!!jajajaja"
like that.
It might means

.....might be^^;jaja

well, I'm going to talk to her on the messanger :-)
see ya!